Monday, August 8, 2016


Well it's been a journey. I fell out a couple of times last week and it's hard to get back on my feet. I see food and I'm immediately comforted. I'm praying that this week is better. I feel like I'm failing in so many areas of my life but this one I have control of and I'm slipping.
So I ask you to pray for me. Can't wait to work out because it does feel great. Peace out.


  1. Maria, even Jesus said, "I can do nothing on my own", and yet He overcame every temptation of the enemy as a human being, walking in the flesh just like you and me. Every time a temptation came, he would take it to our Father and lay it at His feet. Now, through His death and resurrection, we can do the same.

    You are created in God's own image and likeness, as a spirit. The real you is the person behind those pretty eyeballs. You have (I like to think of it as "we own") a soul - your mind, will, and emotions, and you live in a body as your temporary license to be on the earth.

    Your body and mind will get in line with you, your thoughts, beliefs, and (as evidence of your faith) your words.

    I pray God reveals His grace to you in such a way that there is nothing - not even an occasional slip and fall along the way - that can keep you from His precious love grip. One of the things I love about Him is how He gently picks us up, dusts us off, and says, "Okay now Maria, let's try again!"

    Bless you for taking this step of faith. There is nothing that pleases God more than moving forward in faith, and YOU ARE DOING IT, where so many more take a pass, sit it out, and have decided to waste the precious opportunity to become more intimate with our Lord and King.

    I am so excited for you and fully believe you have the Greater One inside of you, who has fully equipped you to be more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus!

  2. Maria, even Jesus said, "I can do nothing on my own", and yet He overcame every temptation of the enemy as a human being, walking in the flesh just like you and me. Every time a temptation came, he would take it to our Father and lay it at His feet. Now, through His death and resurrection, we can do the same.

    You are created in God's own image and likeness, as a spirit. The real you is the person behind those pretty eyeballs. You have (I like to think of it as "we own") a soul - your mind, will, and emotions, and you live in a body as your temporary license to be on the earth.

    Your body and mind will get in line with you, your thoughts, beliefs, and (as evidence of your faith) your words.

    I pray God reveals His grace to you in such a way that there is nothing - not even an occasional slip and fall along the way - that can keep you from His precious love grip. One of the things I love about Him is how He gently picks us up, dusts us off, and says, "Okay now Maria, let's try again!"

    Bless you for taking this step of faith. There is nothing that pleases God more than moving forward in faith, and YOU ARE DOING IT, where so many more take a pass, sit it out, and have decided to waste the precious opportunity to become more intimate with our Lord and King.

    I am so excited for you and fully believe you have the Greater One inside of you, who has fully equipped you to be more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus!

  3. Keep taking the next step forward Maria. You can do it. Don't look back!

  4. It is still a struggle for me!
    In my season, I would often use a recent hard workout or hard physical accomplishment, and tell myself, I don't want to undo that hard work with my food. You can do this. Keep reminding yourself why you started.

  5. You need to take it one day at a time looking at the victory you can win today.
