Thursday, August 18, 2016

All Aboard! The Party Train is leaving the Station!
So I found out about the Party Train this morning. Too bad Tina didn't get to see me bail out. What a challenge! I couldn't decide if it was my knees losing all sense of feeling from the intense burn or my heart pounding out my eyeballs. Either way, I knew I was going down if I didn't take a break.
I used to be a regular fainter in my 20's and 30's. Who knew I actually needed iron back then? So it's been a while since I saw the "aura of lights" - a true message from my brain that I better hit the floor before I actually hit the floor. Thank you Cindy for staying with me (other people might have been there, but I was focused on breathing and Cindy).
I'm going to make it - one day. After prayer, Cindy watched me do those last two flights. It's hard right now. I don't like stairs. But I'm not staying at the station while everyone else is having a party! Toot toot!

And a big shout out to all of my heroes for ripping up those stairs. I'm so very proud of you! Dave, you amaze me!


  1. So glad you knew to rest until it passed, before you passed out!!

  2. Friday was much easier. I think I know part of my problem: 62 year old knees and heart that are lazy!
