On the walk in from the parking lot this morning, it seemed as if Holy Spirit was suggesting a new title for the book:
"12 Weeks"
Perfect, I thought. And now I am desiring to reach out to each of the participants and alumni and trainers to ask if any of you would like to share some portions of your experiences as well! What an exciting adventure. I am so stoked because each of us have come from a place where we had an old life that we decided to put off, and a new life we chose to put on, and struggles and victories all along and in between while being supported and supporting one another.
So how about it brothers and sisters? Who would be interested in sharing your story with the world - with whoever the Lord draws to this work to be encouraged?
I would be so honored to incorporate your story, and you now have some amazing content of your own from which to draw from.
Let me know and we will begin the process.
Speaking of "beginning", I was reminded with all the promptings recently that the finale really recognizes the end of the first chapter in our new lives and the beginning of the rest of our "more abundant lives" in Christ. So, to celebrate that I thought it would be great to share with you one of the most inspiring songs I have ever heard by David Phelps. Put your earbuds in, turn up the volume, watch and listen. The closure of the past 12 weeks is truly just the end of the beginning!
O Lord, there I go again, tears and snot flowing...
Bless you all!
Anything to Glorify God!