Monday, September 12, 2016

Focus: My Forever Battle

The title says it all.

I don't know why, but I feel like a brick today. I woke up just fine and had a smooth morning getting to the gym. After warming up, I climbed on Jacob's Ladder and did 5 minutes, breathless but good by the end. I kept the pace more steady today, but boy, the focus was intense. Now to the stairs for 20 flights. I felt like I was trying to move through mud. Five flights of stairs, five laps walking around the track. Five more flights, five laps. Ten flights, and then nine laps to make a total of two miles. Now on to the stair stepper! My goal today was to do 100 flights in less than what I did last time. I climbed on, set up the machine and off I went. Every step this morning was difficult. I didn't make 100 flights in the time I wanted, but that's okay. I finished the 100 and even went 3 more in order to burn 300 calories! I aaaaaaaaaaaalmost quit, but I liked seeing the even number of calories :)


  1. Dude Sarah! Way to represent! You are a beast.

  2. You're becoming a workout nerd! And all done with a spirit of excellence!

  3. Way to go Sarah! You are doing awesome!

  4. Way to go Sarah! You are doing awesome!

  5. I love reading this!! You worked hard!!! There are always gonna be those days that just feel harder! Successful people still show up and work hard, just like you did today!!
