Last week I visited Spiece twice and both times noticed something was different. First, the whole place seemed to have a freshened appearance. Not sure I can articulate specifically what is different, but it seemed brighter in there for some reason. The other thing I noticed was the musty smell when I walked in the door was noticeably less obvious. Again, not sure if it is just me or something has changed.
On the second visit, following a hamstring pull from the previous visit, I decided to mark my commitment to resuming a healthy lifestyle by purchasing a membership (at the alumni rate of $44/month). With the busyness of life these days, if I am going to keep up, working out is essential to raise my energy level. I have already noticed my blood pressure is back in the normal range again.
When I received the revelation of the value of making purposeful decisions, it totally changed my world.
What important decision have you been putting off?
Make today the best ever!
Great Job!